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Self Defense Aikido


Aikido is a modern martial art with very deep traditional roots. The fundamentals used in Aikido are very effective when used for Self Defense.


The locks, and throws  of Traditional Aikido can be used to disable or deter an attacker. The main difference is intent. Techniques can be used to protect the Uke on the mat, or shut down an attacker on the street.


SPK Aikido's instructors offer a variety of self-defense classes.


We teach a 1 hour self-defense overview focusing on planning, safety and avoidance along with some basic techniques.


We also teach an extensive 8 or 12 hour class that gets into much more detail.


Tailored classes can be developed as required.


Our instructors are very experienced, they have taught at local colleges, churches, and presented seminars across the United States.


Self Defense Aikido instruction is intended to teach effective techniques, instincts, and reactions that apply in a high stress environment.


Actions and effectiveness are primary, not alignment to a theoretical standard.


Attacks are based on real life situations as are the reactions. A big emphasis is placed on situational awareness and threat avoidance. Empty hand techniques are taught as options of last resort. We cover the strengths and weaknesses of different self-defense strategies using different tools.


We adapt our training to the capabilities and desire of the students. We do NOT teach one-size-fits-all self-defense.


Self Defense practice leads to an appreciation of the fundamentals underpinning all Aikido techniques.


Like traditional Aikido, Self Defense Aikido also teaches discipline, self control, anger management, flexibility and most importantly - confidence.



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